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Proclaimed in 1988, Molopo Nature Reserve presently covers 23 876 ha. The main feature of this reserve is the Molopo River which meanders along the Botswana/South Africa border. However, the river is usually dry, resulting in the reserve being quite arid. Nevertheless, a surprising number of game species occur here, such as zebra, eland, gemsbok, kudu, springbok and red hartebeest. Ostrich and, hopefully, giraffe will be reintroduced soon. Duiker and steenbok are found here, while smaller carnivores such as caracal, brown hyena, and blackbacked jackal are indigenous to the area. Bigger predators include cheetah and leopard.

Molopo is situated within a conservation area for raptors, making it a sought-after destination for bird enthusiasts. On the checklist which numbers around 110 species, one will find bateleur, crimsonbreasted shrike, lilacbreasted roller and whitebacked vulture.

The reserve has not yet been officially opened, but prospective visitors can make arrangements with the reserve manager (see contact details below). Accommodation consists of a basic camp ground with an ablution block. Hot water is available. There is a game-viewing hide near the camp and short hiking trails are planned for the near future. Due to the condition of the roads, off-road vehicles are recommended for game viewing. IMPORTANT: Visitors should take note that all fuel and supplies should be taken with for the duration of their stay as the nearest reliable supplies are to be obtained in Vryburg (250km from the reserve)!

How to get there:
From Vryburg travel north-west for 110km on the Tosca/Bray tar road R378, then turn left onto the Vorsterhoop gravel road (R379) and travel for 100km. Drive through Vorsterhoop. The reserve is on the left after 14km. Use the Avondster entrance. The last 120km is on gravel road - caravan towing is not recommended.

Contact details:
Postal address:
PO Box 3, Vorstershoop, 8615, SOUTH AFRICA
Tel (International): +27-020 ask for Vorsterhoop 1322
Tel (South Africa): 0020 ask for Vorsterhoop 1322
Fax (International): +27-020 ask for Vorsterhoop 1322
Fax (South Africa): 0020 ask for Vorsterhoop 1322